Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Can Kidney Problems Cause Double Vision What Could Be The Cause Of Thickened Lining Of The Stomach ( Its Double What It Should Be)and Also ?

What could be the cause of thickened lining of the stomach ( its double what it should be)and also ? - can kidney problems cause double vision

.. very extended belly. will never cut the pain in his left side and the side and under the ribs on the left front side as well.
including acid reflux, the treatment had to be doubled in recent months because of poor.
Please someone has an idea?
A lot of evidence that is different and that, but so far no one has solved the problem for me ...
Kidneys examined, etc.
it really hurts, and it is not necessary to go to the GP and wait for more evidence, so that the GP is already low, but the results of previous ultrasound, so I am now? what could be, please somebody has an idea, know location on this issue? further thoughts on this would be very, very popular because it's been so long and havent resolved studies, so that it feels as if he is still in pain, and no one know what is, what is not OK ...
Please tell me not only to the family doctor to return them to know, but still the results Inbetween tests, etc., and seem to never get a where.Help PLS


aWellWis... said...

Tumors of all interior walls or central muscle layer of the stomach can be as thick folds on imaging studies. Some viral infections or tuberculosis may also cause a thickening of the wall. Other less common causes such as Menetrier's disease (a benign overgrowth of the lining of the stomach condition characterized) and gastrinoma (thickening of the lining of the stomach and increased secretion of acid) by hormonal factors.
In all patients diagnosed with a thick wall of the stomach in an imaging study must further evaluation. Initially, endoscopy with biopsy of abnormal tissue. Moreover, it was to be done by endoscopic ultrasound guided May in order to better characterize the affected area. The course of therapy varies depending on the results of these tests.

dumbugly... said...

They have GERD. A solution is a special food and medicine. The doctor must have noticed this, try and take care of your stomach .... Throw away if you can help, for example ....

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